You are invited to attend a meeting of the California Zeta Chi Unit of the National Association of Parliamentarians (NAP).
We meet to study Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised and improve our parliamentary skills in a relaxed setting. We have a lot of fun while we learn and we welcome your participation.

We meet at 7:00 p.m. on the third Monday of each month (except December) at the Main Street Restaurant, 3159 E. Main Street, in Ventura; those wishing to dine arrive at 6:00 p.m. Each meeting consists of a lesson on parliamentary procedure followed by a brief business session. Our members plan the lesson schedule and take turns preparing and presenting the lessons.

Our lessons can be geared to help provisional members pass the NAP membership examination of basic parliamentary knowledge. Provisional members are eligible for membership in our State and National associations upon passing the examination. The examination is 100 questions taken from a pool of 300; the 300 questions are available for study.

Higher membership classifications, called Registered Parliamentarian and Professional Registered Parliamentarian, are available to those who wish to pursue them. The Registered Parliamentarian classification is achieved by passing a 300 question examination taken from a pool of 1200 questions that are available for study. The Professional Registered Parliamentarian classification is achieved by attending an advanced course offered annually; periodic course attendance is required in order to maintain certification.
Zeta Chi was inaugurated in 1969 as a unit of NAP. We are part of the Southern Area of our State association; area meetings, held three Saturdays a year, consist of a lesson, luncheon, brief business meeting, and a problem clinic. Our State association meets annually, in September or October, for 1½ days of workshops and business. The State association is part of a five-state district which meets biannually, usually in May, for 1½ days of workshops. Our National association has a biannual three-day convention of workshops and business, usually in October; in alternate years a training conference is offered.

We look forward to sharing Zeta Chi with you.